class: center, middle, inverse, title-slide # MLCA Week 3: ## Classification ### Mike Mahoney ### 2021-09-15 --- class: center, middle # Classification --- class: middle # Many prediction problems involve predicting non-continuous outcomes. For instance, we might want to predict: * Whether or not an individual has a specific disease, * Which tree stems a beaver is going to harvest, or * If a species will be present at a given site. --- class: middle # We can predict categorical outcomes like these using classification models. This is in contrast to regression models, like what we talked about last week, where we care about the numeric output of a model rather than a categorical classification. Classification models might still return numeric results -- today we'll use models that return numeric probabilities -- but those numbers are intended to be converted into one of a finite number of classes. --- class: middle Today we're going to focus specifically on **binary classification** -- all of our outcomes will belong to 1 of 2 categories. <br /> Most of our examples will focus on predicting employee attrition (that is, predicting which employees quit or get fired); either an employee is still employed or they aren't, there's no third option. <br /> We're focusing on this because it's easier, and because the methods we talk about today can't easily handle more than two categories. <br /> But of course, there are plenty of times you have more than 2 categories (known as **multiclass problems**) -- we'll talk about methods that can handle those starting week 5. --- So let's walk through a classification example. First things first, let's load our data. We'll be using the `attrition` data set from the `modeldata` package. Our first step is to install `modeldata` if needed: ```r install.packages("modeldata") ``` We then need to load the package using `library`: ```r library(modeldata) ``` And finally, we load the data into our R session using the `data` function: ```r data(attrition) ``` If all goes well, your data frame should have dimensions like this: ```r ncol(attrition) ``` ``` ## [1] 31 ``` ```r nrow(attrition) ``` ``` ## [1] 1470 ``` --- class: middle This data set contains information about 1,470 employees in the IBM Watson Analytics lab -- what their job is, how much they made, whether they traveled, and, most importantly, whether or not they still work for IBM. <br /> That last variable is stored in the `Attrition` column, where `Yes` means the employee left IBM and `No` means they're still there. This is what we're going to focus on predicting. <br /> We could try to model attrition as a function of an employee's age: ```r attrition_model <- lm(Attrition ~ Age, attrition) ``` ``` ## Warning in model.response(mf, "numeric"): using type = "numeric" with a factor ## response will be ignored ``` ``` ## Warning in Ops.factor(y, z$residuals): '-' not meaningful for factors ``` <br /> But we get two warnings! --- class: middle Our warnings both mention `factors`, so let's try just converting every factor column in our dataframe to characters: ```r library(dplyr) attrition_cleaned <- attrition |> mutate(across(where(is.factor), as.character)) try(attrition_model <- lm(Attrition ~ Age, attrition_cleaned)) ``` ``` ## Warning in storage.mode(v) <- "double": NAs introduced by coercion ``` ``` ## Error in, y, offset = offset, singular.ok = singular.ok, ...) : ## NA/NaN/Inf in 'y' ``` Alright, this time we got an error! Progress! --- class: middle The problem here is that our `Attrition` column -- our outcome/response/dependent variable -- is stored as a character, while `lm` is expecting a number. We should go ahead and create a dummy variable to replace it! Because we only have two values (Yes and No), we can use `recode` from `dplyr` to encode our variable faster than we could with `pivot_wider` last week. Let's do that and try refitting our model: ```r attrition_cleaned <- attrition_cleaned |> mutate(Attrition = recode(Attrition, "Yes" = 1, "No" = 0)) attrition_model <- lm(Attrition ~ Age, attrition_cleaned) ``` No warnings, no errors, we've got ourselves a model! --- But what are we actually modeling? Let's look at it on a graph: ```r library(ggplot2) ggplot(attrition_cleaned, aes(Age, Attrition)) + geom_jitter(height = 0) + geom_smooth(method = "lm", formula = "y ~ x") ``` ![](week_3_slides_files/figure-html/unnamed-chunk-8-1.png)<!-- --> This is not exactly an intuitive graph to look at. --- We recoded our Attrition variable so that "Yes" (employees who quit) were transformed to "1", and "No" was transformed to "0". So the dots at the top are employees who quit at a given age, and the dots at the bottom are employees who stayed on. So this graph suggests that employees who quit were generally pretty young -- look at how the points at 1 thin out towards the older ages -- while employees who stayed were maybe a bit older. The slope of our model seems to agree -- the line gets closer to 0 (that is, "not quitting") as employees get older. ```r ggplot(attrition_cleaned, aes(Age, Attrition)) + geom_jitter(height = 0) + geom_smooth(method = "lm", formula = "y ~ x") ``` ![](week_3_slides_files/figure-html/unnamed-chunk-9-1.png)<!-- --> --- We can see this same relationship in the outputs of `summary`: ```r summary(attrition_model) ``` ``` ## ## Call: ## lm(formula = Attrition ~ Age, data = attrition_cleaned) ## ## Residuals: ## Min 1Q Median 3Q Max ## -0.28254 -0.19279 -0.14791 -0.07739 0.97389 ## ## Coefficients: ## Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|) ## (Intercept) 0.397938 0.039466 10.083 < 2e-16 *** ## Age -0.006411 0.001038 -6.179 8.36e-10 *** ## --- ## Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1 ## ## Residual standard error: 0.3633 on 1468 degrees of freedom ## Multiple R-squared: 0.02535, Adjusted R-squared: 0.02468 ## F-statistic: 38.18 on 1 and 1468 DF, p-value: 8.356e-10 ``` Age has a negative coefficient ("estimate"), which means that as Age goes up, the predicted value for Attrition goes down (by 0.006411). But what does it mean for Attrition to go down by 0.006411? What does the actual number being predicted by `lm` mean? --- The short answer is **nothing**, it means nothing. Importantly, it is _not_ the probability of attrition; linear classifiers _do not calculate probability_. Imagine for example what this model would predict for a 75 year old employee (more common at IBM than you'd think) -- what would a negative probability even mean? ```r ggplot(attrition_cleaned, aes(Age, Attrition)) + scale_x_continuous(limits = c(10, 90)) + geom_jitter(height = 0) + stat_smooth(method = "lm", formula = "y ~ x", fullrange = TRUE) ``` ![](week_3_slides_files/figure-html/unnamed-chunk-11-1.png)<!-- --> --- class: middle I want to stress this here, because this is a common mistake (particularly in economics): a linear model built to predict a binary variable does not give you probabilities for that binary variable. <br /> This makes linear models really poor choices for classification problems. <br /> So what should we do instead? <br /> Rather than using linear classifiers, it's a better idea to use what are known as **logistic models** for classification problems. --- class: middle Logistic models are a transformation of linear models which actually predict probability. This transformation creates a characteristic prediction surface -- for example, here's a linear model and logistic model both fit to the same (dummy) data: .pull-left[ ![](week_3_slides_files/figure-html/unnamed-chunk-12-1.png)<!-- --> ] .pull-right[ ![](week_3_slides_files/figure-html/unnamed-chunk-13-1.png)<!-- --> ] You'll notice two important differences between the graphs. First off, because logistic regression is predicting probabilities, it's bounded between 0 and 1. Secondly, the rate of change in probabilities is _not standard_ for logistic regression. Unlike with linear models, an increase in X of 1 doesn't always result in a standard increase of Y. This makes interpreting coefficients very complicated; while we won't get into it in this course, I recommend [the resource at this link]( if you are interested in learning more. --- class: middle As a transformed linear model, logistic regression requires the same assumptions about your data as linear regression. To repeat from last week: * Linearity: Your outcome (the variable being modeled, in our example sale price) must be linearly associated with each of your predictor variables. * Normality: The sample means of your outcome must be normally distributed for linear regression to produce a good fit. * Multicollinearity: Your predictor variables must be independent from each other; they should not be correlated with one another. --- class: middle Let's go ahead and walk through using logistic regressions in R. <br /> Before we get started, we should probably go ahead and create separate test and train data sets now, using the same code from last week: ```r set.seed(123) row_idx <- sample(seq_len(nrow(attrition_cleaned)), nrow(attrition_cleaned)) training <- attrition_cleaned[row_idx < nrow(attrition_cleaned) * 0.8, ] testing <- attrition_cleaned[row_idx >= nrow(attrition_cleaned) * 0.8, ] ``` Logistic models, as a transformation of the standard linear model, are part of a group known as the generalized linear models. <br /> As a result, rather than use the `lm` function, we'll need to use `glm` to fit our model. To specify _which_ glm we want to fit, we also need to pass the argument `family = "binomial"`: ```r attrition_model <- glm(Attrition ~ Age, training, family = "binomial") ``` --- Just as with linear models, we can investigate our model using `summary`: ```r summary(attrition_model) ``` ``` ## ## Call: ## glm(formula = Attrition ~ Age, family = "binomial", data = training) ## ## Deviance Residuals: ## Min 1Q Median 3Q Max ## -0.9044 -0.6698 -0.5715 -0.4264 2.3422 ## ## Coefficients: ## Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|) ## (Intercept) 0.214483 0.325838 0.658 0.51 ## Age -0.049843 0.009214 -5.409 6.32e-08 *** ## --- ## Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1 ## ## (Dispersion parameter for binomial family taken to be 1) ## ## Null deviance: 1084.7 on 1174 degrees of freedom ## Residual deviance: 1052.9 on 1173 degrees of freedom ## AIC: 1056.9 ## ## Number of Fisher Scoring iterations: 4 ``` --- Just like with `lm`, though, we won't be paying too much attention to the outputs from `summary`. Instead, we want to know our model's _accuracy_. We might expect that `predict` would give us either predicted classifications (so, 1s and 0s, did an employee stay or did they go) or probabilities. But if you try using `predict` like we did with `lm`, you'll notice the predictions are... odd: ```r qplot(predict(attrition_model, training)) ``` ![](week_3_slides_files/figure-html/unnamed-chunk-17-1.png)<!-- --> --- To get probabilities, we need to add the argument `type = "response"` to our `predict` call: ```r qplot(predict(attrition_model, training, type = "response")) ``` ![](week_3_slides_files/figure-html/unnamed-chunk-18-1.png)<!-- --> I wanted to call this out because I mess this up a lot. If you're getting impossible probabilities from a logistic model, make sure you've set the `type` argument. You can see that, once we've set that argument, all of our predicted probabilities fall between 0 and roughly 0.35. --- To calculate accuracy, we'll first need the probability of each employee quitting: ```r testing$prediction <- predict(attrition_model, testing, type = "response") ``` Now we need to convert those probabilities into predictions. The easiest method is to trust the probabilities -- if an employee has an over 50% chance of quitting, we'll say they quit, and if their chance is under 50% we'll say they didn't. Mechanically, this is really easy to implement: we just round our predictions so we get 1s and 0s from the decimal probabilities: ```r testing$prediction <- round(testing$prediction) ``` Our overall accuracy then is just the percentage of predictions we got right: ```r sum(testing$prediction == testing$Attrition) / length(testing$Attrition) ``` ``` ## [1] 0.8881356 ``` 89% accuracy! We did _great_! --- class: middle You might already see the issue with this way of assessing accuracy. <br /> Our histogram of probabilities topped out at about 0.35 -- there wasn't a single employee our model gave more than a 30ish percent chance of quitting. <br /> We can show this by replacing our predictions in the accuracy calculation with 0 -- effectively, assuming no employee would ever quit our fantastic company: ```r sum(0 == testing$Attrition) / length(testing$Attrition) ``` ``` ## [1] 0.8881356 ``` That makes our accuracy much less impressive! --- class: middle So we can see that we need more than just overall accuracy to judge our models. <br /> Let's look at a few other metrics. <br /> The `caret` package provides tools for assessing our model. Let's go ahead and install it now: ```r install.packages("caret") ``` And then load it via `library`: ```r library(caret) ``` ``` ## Loading required package: lattice ``` --- The only `caret` function we'll use today is `confusionMatrix`. This function calculates a lot of accuracy metrics for our model; we'll spend the next few slides walking through it. This function takes three main arguments. The first argument should be our predicted classes, and the second our "true" class values; we need to convert both of these to factors for the function to work. Finally, we also need a value indicating which of our classes is the "positive" result. Generally we call the rarer class the "positive" -- think of it like in medicine, where a "positive test result" means the test found a disease. We also sometimes call these "hits". Because we're looking to figure out which employees will quit, we'll call "Yes" values (which we've coded as 1) "positive" here: ```r attrition_confusion <- confusionMatrix( # Predictions go first, "true" values second: data = factor(testing$prediction, levels = 0:1), reference = factor(testing$Attrition, levels = 0:1), # Specify what level is your "hit" or "positive" value positive = "1" ) ``` --- This function creates a _lot_ of output for us to walk through: ```r attrition_confusion ``` ``` ## Confusion Matrix and Statistics ## ## Reference ## Prediction 0 1 ## 0 262 33 ## 1 0 0 ## ## Accuracy : 0.8881 ## 95% CI : (0.8465, 0.9217) ## No Information Rate : 0.8881 ## P-Value [Acc > NIR] : 0.5462 ## ## Kappa : 0 ## ## Mcnemar's Test P-Value : 2.54e-08 ## ## Sensitivity : 0.0000 ## Specificity : 1.0000 ## Pos Pred Value : NaN ## Neg Pred Value : 0.8881 ## Prevalence : 0.1119 ## Detection Rate : 0.0000 ## Detection Prevalence : 0.0000 ## Balanced Accuracy : 0.5000 ## ## 'Positive' Class : 1 ## ``` --- class: middle We'll go through a few of the most important parts of the output now. <br /> Starting at the top, we have a table called a **confusion matrix** (where the function gets its name)! ```r attrition_confusion$table ``` ``` ## Reference ## Prediction 0 1 ## 0 262 33 ## 1 0 0 ``` The rows in this table represent what our model _predicted_ (either 0 or 1), while the columns represent what it _should_ have guessed. <br /> Since we've called our 1s our "positives", we can see that we predicted: + 262 "true negatives" (prediction 0, reference 0) + 33 "false negatives" (prediction 0, reference 1) + 0 "false positives" (prediction 1, reference 0) + 0 "true positives" (prediction 1, reference 1) --- class: middle Up next, we have a whole slew of accuracy metrics: ```r round(attrition_confusion$overall, 4) ``` ``` ## Accuracy Kappa AccuracyLower AccuracyUpper AccuracyNull ## 0.8881 0.0000 0.8465 0.9217 0.8881 ## AccuracyPValue McnemarPValue ## 0.5462 0.0000 ``` You can see "Accuracy" here represents our overall accuracy (across both classes). <br /> Also listed is the accuracy we'd get just by guessing the more common class for all of our predictions ("AccuracyNull" -- here the same as our overall accuracy). --- class: middle The next section has a lot of things worth talking about: ```r round(attrition_confusion$byClass, 3) ``` ``` ## Sensitivity Specificity Pos Pred Value ## 0.000 1.000 NaN ## Neg Pred Value Precision Recall ## 0.888 NA 0.000 ## F1 Prevalence Detection Rate ## NA 0.112 0.000 ## Detection Prevalence Balanced Accuracy ## 0.000 0.500 ``` <br /> The first two interesting values are the **positive and negative predictive values** (Pos/Neg Pred Value). <br /> These represent the probabilities that a positive or negative prediction is a _true_ positive or negative prediction -- so 88.8% of the negatives we predict are _true_ negatives, for instance. --- class: middle We calculate these by dividing our "true" values in the confusion matrix by the sum of their rows: ```r attrition_confusion$table ``` ``` ## Reference ## Prediction 0 1 ## 0 262 33 ## 1 0 0 ``` For example, to calculate our negative predictive power, we'd divide true negatives by the total number of predicted negatives: <br /> $$\frac{262 \operatorname{true negatives}}{262 \operatorname{true negatives} + 33\operatorname{false negatives}} = \frac{262 \operatorname{true negatives}}{295 \operatorname{negatives}} = 0.888 $$ <br /> Since we don't have any positive predictions, we can't actually tell how accurate our positive predictions are -- 0 / (0 + 0) is undefined. --- class: middle Similar to predictive value are the concepts of **sensitivity** and **specificity**. While our predictive values tell us how likely a given _prediction_ is to be correct, sensitivity and specificity tell us how likely a given observation is to be correctly predicted. To be specific, specificity tells us what proportion of negatives will be classified as negative (the "true negative rate"). Sensitivity, meanwhile, tells us what proportion of positives will be correctly classified as positive (the "true positive rate"). ```r round(attrition_confusion$byClass, 3) ``` ``` ## Sensitivity Specificity Pos Pred Value ## 0.000 1.000 NaN ## Neg Pred Value Precision Recall ## 0.888 NA 0.000 ## F1 Prevalence Detection Rate ## NA 0.112 0.000 ## Detection Prevalence Balanced Accuracy ## 0.000 0.500 ``` --- class: middle To calculate these, we add up the _columns_ of our confusion matrix rather than the rows. ```r attrition_confusion$table ``` ``` ## Reference ## Prediction 0 1 ## 0 262 33 ## 1 0 0 ``` <br /> To calculate sensitivity, we want to divide our number of true positives (predicted 1, reference 1) by the total number of positives in the data set (reference 1) <br /> Our sensitivity calculation is therefore: `$$\frac{0 \operatorname{true positives}}{0 \operatorname{true positives} + 33 \operatorname{false negatives}} = \\ \frac{0 \operatorname{true positives}}{33\operatorname{things that should have been positive}} = 0$$` --- Specificity is similar, but instead we're dividing our number of true negatives (predicted 0, reference 0) by the total number of negatives (reference 0). ```r attrition_confusion$table ``` ``` ## Reference ## Prediction 0 1 ## 0 262 33 ## 1 0 0 ``` <br /> That makes our specificity equation: `$$\frac{262 \operatorname{true negatives}}{262 \operatorname{true negatives} + 0 \operatorname{false positives}} = \\ \frac{262 \operatorname{true negatives}}{262\operatorname{things that should have been negative}} = 1$$` <br /> Both of these values go from 0 to 1; our model has the worst possible sensitivity and best possible specificity. --- class: middle Sensitivity and specificity are naturally opposed. <br /> For instance, if you set a probability threshold so that you class everything as a negative (like we've done here, using a probability threshold of 50%), you'll get maximum specificity (no false positives). <br /> Similarly, if you set a threshold that classes everything as positive (for instance, a threshold of `\(\geq\)` 0) you could get maximum sensitivity. <br /> We can imagine that using different probability thresholds would give us different sensitivity and specificity values somewhere between the two extremes. --- To look at this closer, we're going to use another new package called `pROC`. Install it now if you haven't before: ```r install.packages("pROC") ``` And then load it with `library`: ```r library(pROC) ``` ``` ## Type 'citation("pROC")' for a citation. ``` ``` ## ## Attaching package: 'pROC' ``` ``` ## The following objects are masked from 'package:stats': ## ## cov, smooth, var ``` --- class: middle `pROC` helps us calculate what are known as ROC curves for our models. <br /> ROC stands for "Receiver Operating Characteristic", which is a legacy name from when they were invented to analyze radar during World War II. Everyone just calls them ROC curves, but you'll sometimes see the full name in papers. <br /> ROC curves let us see how using different thresholds for our model would impact sensitivity and specificity. To see this in action, we need to create a `roc` object with the `roc` function. <br /> This function takes our "true" classes (Attrition in the data frame) and our predicted probabilities as arguments: ```r attrition_roc <- roc( testing$Attrition, predict(attrition_model, testing, type = "response") ) ``` ``` ## Setting levels: control = 0, case = 1 ``` ``` ## Setting direction: controls < cases ``` --- We can then use `plot` to see how our model trades off between sensitivity and specificity: .center[ ```r plot(attrition_roc) ``` ![](week_3_slides_files/figure-html/unnamed-chunk-37-1.png)<!-- --> ] Each point on the black line represents the sensitivity and specificity associated with a different probability threshold -- so while we used a cutoff of 0.5 earlier, we could use other values to get different values of specificity and sensitivity. --- Note that sensitivity runs the direction we normally expect -- so higher values on the y-axis have more true positives - but specificity is backwards; values on the left have more _true negatives_. This is a little confusing, so people often graph _false positives_ (1 - specificity) on the x-axis instead; the output graph is the exact same either way: .pull-left[ ![](week_3_slides_files/figure-html/unnamed-chunk-38-1.png)<!-- --> ] .pull-right[ ![](week_3_slides_files/figure-html/unnamed-chunk-39-1.png)<!-- --> ] --- class: middle So what do we do with this information? Well, it depends. We could use this to figure out what probability threshold to use. Since the top left corner represents 100% accuracy, we might want to pick whatever threshold gets us the closest to that point: .center[ ```r plot(attrition_roc) ``` ![](week_3_slides_files/figure-html/unnamed-chunk-40-1.png)<!-- --> ] --- class: middle We can use the `coords` function from pROC to find the "best" threshold this way: ```r coords(attrition_roc, "best") ``` ``` ## threshold specificity sensitivity ## 1 0.20499 0.7366412 0.6363636 ``` <br /> Note that we'd normally do this using the _validation_ set, not the test set -- I'm skipping the intermediate step here to make these notes a little shorter. --- We can test that threshold value to see how our accuracy changes: ```r testing$prediction <- predict(attrition_model, testing, type = "response") testing$prediction <- as.numeric(testing$prediction > 0.20499) confusionMatrix(factor(testing$prediction), factor(testing$Attrition), positive = "1") ``` ``` ## Confusion Matrix and Statistics ## ## Reference ## Prediction 0 1 ## 0 193 12 ## 1 69 21 ## ## Accuracy : 0.7254 ## 95% CI : (0.6707, 0.7756) ## No Information Rate : 0.8881 ## P-Value [Acc > NIR] : 1 ## ## Kappa : 0.2126 ## ## Mcnemar's Test P-Value : 4.902e-10 ## ## Sensitivity : 0.63636 ## Specificity : 0.73664 ## Pos Pred Value : 0.23333 ## Neg Pred Value : 0.94146 ## Prevalence : 0.11186 ## Detection Rate : 0.07119 ## Detection Prevalence : 0.30508 ## Balanced Accuracy : 0.68650 ## ## 'Positive' Class : 1 ## ``` --- class: middle Our overall accuracy got a good bit worse, but we're now doing a _better_ job of predicting positive values! So is that the threshold we should use? <br /> Maybe. There's no rule for what an acceptable false positive/false negative rate "should" be; it depends on your application. <br /> You might imagine that medical tests are pretty comfortable with false positives (at which point they'll test the patient again) if it means fewer false negatives. <br /> Conversely, if you're trying to predict where a species lives to prioritize field work, you might be willing to have more false negatives to ensure that you aren't wasting a bunch of time driving out to false positive sites. --- This is where ROC curves really shine -- they give you a sense of what levels of sensitivity and specificity you can get at the same time with your current model. If you've looked at the graph and decided what levels of false positives and false negatives are acceptable for your current application, you can get all the thresholds plotted on the ROC curve using `coords`: ```r coords(attrition_roc) ``` ``` ## threshold specificity sensitivity ## 1 -Inf 0.000000000 1.00000000 ## 2 0.06003516 0.007633588 1.00000000 ## 3 0.06291020 0.011450382 1.00000000 ## 4 0.06591327 0.019083969 1.00000000 ## 5 0.06904913 0.022900763 1.00000000 ## 6 0.07232262 0.026717557 0.96969697 ## 7 0.07573866 0.034351145 0.96969697 ## 8 0.07930226 0.041984733 0.96969697 ## 9 0.08301846 0.061068702 0.96969697 ## 10 0.08689237 0.068702290 0.93939394 ## 11 0.09092911 0.087786260 0.90909091 ## 12 0.09513384 0.099236641 0.90909091 ## 13 0.09951171 0.118320611 0.87878788 ## 14 0.10406785 0.129770992 0.87878788 ## 15 0.10880739 0.141221374 0.84848485 ## 16 0.11373536 0.160305344 0.84848485 ## 17 0.11885675 0.198473282 0.84848485 ## 18 0.12417642 0.217557252 0.81818182 ## 19 0.12969912 0.251908397 0.81818182 ## 20 0.13542945 0.286259542 0.78787879 ## 21 0.14137182 0.320610687 0.78787879 ## 22 0.14753041 0.358778626 0.75757576 ## 23 0.15390918 0.381679389 0.75757576 ## 24 0.16051180 0.431297710 0.75757576 ## 25 0.16734163 0.465648855 0.75757576 ## 26 0.17440167 0.507633588 0.75757576 ## 27 0.18169456 0.568702290 0.69696970 ## 28 0.18922249 0.641221374 0.66666667 ## 29 0.19698722 0.690839695 0.63636364 ## 30 0.20498998 0.736641221 0.63636364 ## 31 0.21323151 0.793893130 0.54545455 ## 32 0.22171195 0.828244275 0.45454545 ## 33 0.23043086 0.874045802 0.36363636 ## 34 0.23938716 0.900763359 0.24242424 ## 35 0.24857910 0.927480916 0.21212121 ## 36 0.25800423 0.942748092 0.15151515 ## 37 0.26765941 0.950381679 0.12121212 ## 38 0.27754073 0.984732824 0.09090909 ## 39 0.28764353 0.992366412 0.09090909 ## 40 0.29796239 0.996183206 0.09090909 ## 41 0.30849108 1.000000000 0.09090909 ## 42 Inf 1.000000000 0.00000000 ``` --- class: middle There's one other useful thing we can get from our ROC curve: .center[ ```r plot(attrition_roc) ``` ![](week_3_slides_files/figure-html/unnamed-chunk-44-1.png)<!-- --> ] That grey line cutting the graph in half is the ROC curve for a completely random model -- that is, a model that's no better than random guessing. Our model ROC curve shows us how much better our model is than randomly guessing at _each_ combination of sensitivity and specificity. If we want very high sensitivity (almost all true positives), for instance, this model isn't much better than just guessing. --- We can use this to calculate another accuracy metric -- the **area under the curve (AUC)** for our model. This metric is exactly what it sounds like -- it's the proportion of the graph located under our model ROC curve: .center[ ```r plot(attrition_roc, auc.polygon = TRUE) ``` ![](week_3_slides_files/figure-html/unnamed-chunk-45-1.png)<!-- --> ] --- Since the random model cuts the graph exactly in half, we'd expect the random model would have an AUC of 0.5. If the entire graph was under our curve, we'd have an AUC of 1.0. So the closer our AUC is to 1, the closer to "perfect" our model; the further our AUC is from 0.5, the better our model is than the random model. .center[ ```r plot(attrition_roc, auc.polygon = TRUE) ``` ![](week_3_slides_files/figure-html/unnamed-chunk-46-1.png)<!-- --> ] --- class: middle We can use the `auc` function to get the actual AUC value for our model: ```r auc(attrition_roc) ``` ``` ## Area under the curve: 0.6699 ``` The most common rule-of-thumb for AUC says: + If AUC == 0.5, then our model is no better than flipping a coin + If 0.5 `\(\lt\)` AUC `\(\lt\)` 0.7, the model is a "poor" classifier + If 0.7 `\(\leq\)` AUC `\(\lt\)` 0.8, the model is "acceptable" + If 0.8 `\(\leq\)` AUC `\(\lt\)` 0.9, the model is "excellent" + If 0.9 `\(\leq\)` AUC, the model is "outstanding" In general, we can assume that higher numbers are always better. So we'd call this model pretty poor at predicting attrition -- which we knew already. --- class: middle That's it for this week. Next week, we'll talk about other ways to deal with classification when you have a lot more of one class than the other. --- # References --- Titles link to references: + [HOML](, specifically section 2.6 (model accuracy) and chapter 5 (logistic regression)